We will not sell, share, or rent this information to others without your express consent. Information
submitted by you on this site will be used by us to communicate information requested by you, to support
your interaction with our site, and to contact you again about other services and information we offer. If
there is an instance where such information may be shared with any person outside our organization, we
will ask your permission prior to disclosing the information. Notwithstanding the preceding, OneCommand
may share your information with third party service providers who are engaged by OneCommand to
provide services in connection with the provision of services on your behalf.
It is not our intention to seek any sensitive information through our site unless legally required for
recruiting or other purposes. Sensitive information includes types of data relating to race or ethnic origin;
political opinions; religious or other similar beliefs; trade union membership; physical or mental health;
sexual life or criminal record. We suggest you do not provide sensitive information of this nature through
this site.
There are several places throughout OneCommand.com that may link to other websites which do not
operate under OneCommand.com's privacy practices. When you link to other websites, OneCommand's
privacy practices no longer apply. We encourage you to review these other sites’ privacy policies before
disclosing any personally identifiable information.